As the weather turns colder and the skies turn darker, it is a sure sign that the end of the year is coming. Whether you’re an organization or professional reviewing your upcoming end of the year data, or an individual taking stock of what you’ve accomplished this year, its easy to get bogged down in what was left undone, the needs that are still unmet, and what you could have done better. We often think this way without reflecting on how that can overshadow our accomplishments and successes.
We know at the Michigan Assistive Technology Program (MATP) that there will always be more to do and better ways to meet the assistive technology needs of people in Michigan. Yet, this is also the time of year where we are able to reflect on what we have accomplished through our program and in our partnerships with other organizations. One area this is reflected most concretely is through our device demonstrations and resulting success stories. The MATP partners with our local Centers for Independent Living (CILs) by offering training, funding and devices that allow CIL staff to provide personalized (individual and group) demonstrations of AT devices and equipment in the local communities.

Read about Gwen and her AT Success Story
We invite you to take a look at these success stories. See the impact that assistive technology is having in the lives of people with disabilities in our own communities, and celebrate the independence that assistive technology affords.